Posts in category school

Introduction to Lego part sorter

Introduction to Lego part sorter

Internship intro Do skip this 3 weeks into my internship with various ideas on the project that I should work on, I finally settled on a Lego part sorter. My...

Lego Part Sorter Project Charter

Purpose of Technology

Quote This is just gonna be a really quick post but I would like to share this quote from a very wise friend of mine, Sabik. He mentioned, “A pacemaker...



Final landing site that we showcased to the judges.

Final Presentation

The day has come for our final presentation.

Improvements to be made

Improvements to be made

Updated sprintboard and Sprint 3 full steam ahead!



And another big change…

Guardian 3.0

Guardian 3.0

The World Robot Olympiad (WRO) 2019 is a robotics competition that was held in Hungary.

Byte Hackz

Byte Hackz

The day has come to present for Byte Hackz. Yet, the AI does not seem to want to grow up. As of now, the AI thinks and talks like a...

Back to the Drawing Board

Back to the Drawing Board

Well, change is a constant. We decided to change the scope of our project to a review website, which we call unBiased.

Unvailing Singlish

TL;DR Today, our team started on generating a rough outline for our portfolio 2 project which we called “Singlish”.

FP2 Assignment 2

FP2 Assignment 2

Understanding Computer Vision with AI using Tensorflow