Unvailing Singlish
1 minute
Today, our team started on generating a rough outline for our portfolio 2 project which we called “Singlish”.
What we are using
The main purpose of this is to utilise Artificial Intelligence to help with understanding what the user is saying. This is done through the use of Natural Language Processing (NLP). Afterwhich, the Singlish text will be rewritten to proper English texts.
Research Paper
In preperation for this, we had looked into several research papers. This one by Timothy Tan for example showcases how Out of Vocabulary (OOV) words can be taken out from a sentence. This is neccessary in ensuring that the data is cleaned and organised. For example, the word “I” is repetedly used in day to day speech and can affect the model that is trained at the end. We plan to utilise this within a web application to provide convenience for users of different platforms.
Roles and Resposibilities
Additionally, we also started on the roles that each of us will take up within this project. As of now, we had divided the group into two main portions, the Front End and the Back End.
Original Scope that our team had drawn out on the various responsibilities. I am mainly doing the backend which comprises the AI as well as server and databases.
(Updated: )