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Well, change is a constant. We decided to change the scope of our project to a review website, which we call unBiased.
To ensure that there is a demand for such a service, we did a survey:
In the results, it is noticed that many of the respondents get swayed in their decisions when looking at game reviews; even the bad ones.
So how does unBiased come in? Through the implementation of an AI, the website is able to gather which reviews are more important over others and push it to the top where users can see. At the same time, the AI is able to generate its own reviews using the Natural Language Toolkit library that python has. In order to aid with this, we will be using the API provided by the Steam game platform to gather the required data that were generated on their game reviews.
I just hope that the AI that we create will be decent enough in creating good reviews. 🤞
(Updated: )