J370 Owner

Byte Hackz

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Byte Hackz

The day has come to present for Byte Hackz. Yet, the AI does not seem to want to grow up. As of now, the AI thinks and talks like a 2-year-old child. While some generated texts seems understandable, it is still written in gibberish and chunks of text. However, it is quite remarkable as we only utilised roughly 2000 data points and had limited hardware capabilities.

The database is completed with appropriate tables and relationships as we had earlier planned out. With a bit of magic from Jeffrey, the front end and back end are also able to communicate with each other using Django.

Moving on to the design of the website, most of the front end is completed with the appropriate interfacing and error catching. The features included a search menu, game review pages as well as user login page. All in all, what the user gets to experience and interact with is almost completed.

The backend really needs to catch up!

(Updated: )

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Final landing site that we showcased to the judges.

Final Presentation

The day has come for our final presentation.

Improvements to be made

Improvements to be made

Updated sprintboard and Sprint 3 full steam ahead!