Work Officially Begins
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Starting work on the separation mechanism.
Officially Starting
Last Friday, 20/03, I finally got a confirmation and a thumbs up to start on this Lego part sorter project. This was just in time for my project charter but not enough time for us to come up with a full plan. Instead, we drafted out a rough introduction.
Original Plan
Earlier in our project charter, we had planned to start on the scanning portion. However, the plan was to use the HuskyLens but we had yet to receive it. To help save time, we sheduled the scanning to be done at a later time and pushed forward the seperation to be done first.
Starting work on the seperation
In order to save time, we needed to come up with a quick prototpype to test out our design ideas. Our prototype started out with using Lego parts since we had an abundance of them.
Conveyor Belt System
(Updated: )