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Types of Vegetarians

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Vegetarianism is a choice made by the individual due to many different reasons. Vegetarians can in general be categorised into 6 categories.


Sometimes used interchangeably with the term “Vegetarian”, Vegans usually abstain from all forms of animal products.


A common preference here in Singapore, Ovo-vegetarians are vegetarians who eat eggs.


Lacto-vegetarians take dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt and butter. Certain dairy products might contain rennet which is of animal origin. Therefore Lacto-vegetarians need to be cautious in their choices. This is where I consider myself being!


Simple as the name implies, lacto-ovo-vegetarians are a combination of Lacto and Ovo vegetarians and can take egg as well as dairy products.


Pescatarians have seafood in their diet.


Flexitarians do not restrict themselves to animal produce but prioritises plant products in their meals. Most vegans start as flexitarians.

(Updated: )

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Vegetarian Website?

Always had an idea to share some knowledge on veganism, be it myths, doubts or even recipes. Who knows when I will have the time to work on it?